Please insert disc number 8
As you maybe already heard, the people from archive.org have done something very noble to preserve
a piece of history.
They´ve started to put old Ms-Dos games online, which have accompanied through my childhood!
Its actually nothing new to be able again playing the old games, but its much more convenient now:)
There are so many to mention, but these are some of my favourites, I´ve found quickly:
1. Zak Mc Kracken & the Alien Mindbenders – my big love, I don´t know how much time I´ve put in to play this game. To me its still a rolemodel for perfect game!!!!
2. Indiana Jones & the last crusade (I also had this on my C64 & I loved the 12 pages of code which I got from my classmates)
3. Stunts – also a game I played for the first time on mc C64 (Stunt car racer) I love the course editor, which allowed to build your own race tracks and share them with friends!
4. Golden Axe – I´ve played many different versions (some consider the Amiga version as the best) but I decided to put in the Pc version represantative for all!
5. North & South – so simple & so great. I think this game has influenced so many successors!
Í could go on for days!